Notes from February Viz and Tell on Tools and Software

Our February Viz and Tell had 95 registrants and 60 live participants.

Thank you to everyone who could attend!

Our live notes document has been updated with resources and observations that participants shared. The document is open to comments so please feel free to share more resources etc. and we will update this accordingly. The recording is also available (please note we forget to begin the recording at the beginning so the first 10minutes or so are omitted).

Our conversation began with some quick context about how and why the Visualizing the Future grant has positioned itself as being tool agnostic and what that might mean for us as visualization librarians, especially in our approaches to teaching and learning. We then had two broad discussion points: 1. Pedagogical approaches to our teaching and 2. How do we step back and teach about the tools themselves. This was such a great conversation! Thank you to all that could participate. We are continuing some of these conversations actively in our Slack Channels so please check this out as you wait for our next Viz and Tell.

March Viz and Tell will be a Viz and Show highlighting project work from our community. Register here!